Thank you to all my friends online who have been so generous with their time and images. I am going to post some vintage postcards ( from 1907-1915) here on my blog for you to use for free. They are large files so you can download them and use them in your art or scrapbooking. I would only ask that you do not resell them. Please feel free to pin this if you like. Thanks and enjoy. This first card is from the divided card era (1907-1915) from the marks on the back I am pretty sure this came from someone's postcard collection that she kept in an album. It has not been sent by mail. This was the golden era for collecting postcards; they were the twitter of their time. Before postcards you needed to write a letter to correspond with your friends. This idea of writing just a little on the back of a picture and just sending it was a novel idea. I am selling some of the better of these original postcards in my etsy store. It is a chance to own a piece of history that is over 100 years old. You can then scan them and use them over and over again in your art.

Happy creating.